Friday, April 1, 2016

The Church and Government: To Fellow Christians

The Church and Government
To Fellow Christians:


This word sums up my grievances with the government. Sometimes I wonder what I am anymore. My time, actions, land, decisions, income, spending, savings, education, career, relationships—all of these are impacted by government regulations and taxes. Yet we all have our favorite regulation, our favorite tax. If we do not approve of a certain activity we think it ought to be illegal. If we do not consume something because we believe it to be a luxury or vice, we are complicit with it being taxed. We care not about the opinion of those who choose those activities for their own personal reasons.  

I am overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of what I do not know, yet more concerning is my knowledge appears to be expertise compared to the ignorance of the masses. Yet through all my studies it is possible it has been all for naught: many experts have imposed that we which they claim to be truth upon the ignorant masses just to have forced on the innocent lies, immoral behavior, and harmful actions. Because of this I cannot be beholden to force any belief on another person other than to defend the imposition and violation from another, and be sure all receive what they have been beholden by promise and contract.

If you are a conservative, it is not the place of the government to regulate or to enforce morality. The morals of society should not come from law, but from the heart. Law is for the protection of the weak. Do not impose on others and do not break your contract. The light of the church appears brightest in darkness of the world. If you use the government to create artificial light, what benefit is that to the Kingdom of God?

If you are a conservative, what justification do you give to reject the alien among you? Throughout scripture is has been clear and evident that the purpose of God’s people is to be a witness to the entire world.  With Israel it was by being a crossroad for trade. For the Christian it was achieved through persecution of the early church. So many Christians came to America to preserve their religion, and to bring the Gospel of Christ to the people here. As a country we are a light to the world: everyone knows about America. Here you can find freedom, liberty and prosperity. Who are we to reject the huddled masses yearning to be free? It is not our place to enforce laws and regulations on every other country in the world, yet it is possible to give everyone in the world the freedoms we enjoy by welcoming them among us.

If you are a liberal, it is not the place of the government to give out charity. Although it may seem “Christ like” to have the government take care of the poor and the weak, it is not their place (except to be sure all have equality under the law). To force other to give money towards your agenda destroys the purpose of charity. Just as the People of Israel were given holidays, traditions, and laws to set them apart from the world, Christ wanted us to be set apart as well. Our purpose was to be a light set apart from the darkness of the world. This light is to be a love that no one else gives: charity love. If we use the government to eliminate the need of charity, what light have we shed? All we have done is imposed on the heathen and Christian by forcing them to give through taxes, and removed the place where the Church can introduce the lost to God. Worse still, we have removed the option for giving from the giving heart.

If we live in a world that is artificially whitewashed through regulations and welfare, where is the purpose of the Church?

It does not exist.

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