Monday, October 21, 2013


Hi I'm Caitlin. I'm a very diverse individual who has all the solutions to the worlds problem . I studied Economics at UC Santa Barbara, and have studied a thousand other things on my own. This blog is an outlet for me to bring those two items together (Economics and the thousand other things). If you feel like the world is a hopeless place... or perhaps you feel like you have no control of this spinning world around you... then be sure to follow this blog! Where I can't stop the world from turning (nor would I want to, we would all go flying off the surface of the earth!), I can offer some insight on this crazy world around you, things perhaps you never thought of.

Up till now I really haven't enjoyed writing, but I feel it is time for me to fix the world; writing is a very effective modem. I am actually kinda scared a what wonderful-crazy-caitlinsih ideas that may come out of this! Stick around to see the discipline of Caitlinomics come to existence. Maybe one day I'll start my own college so I can brainwash young adults too!  

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